1. The Food Service industry
1.5. Food production methods
For a foodservice operation, the production system must be organised to produce the right
quantity of food at the correct standard, for the required number of people, on time, using the
resources of staff, equipment and materials effectively and efficiently.
As costs of space, equipment, fuel, maintenance and labour continue to rise, more thought
and time have to be given to the planning of production systems and kitchen design. The
requirements of the production system have to be clearly matched to the type of food that is to
be prepared, cooked and served to the required market at the correct price. Allocation of space
and the purchase of different types of equipment must be justified and the organisation of the
kitchen personnel must also be planned at the same time.
Many modern food production operations are based on the process approach, as opposed to the
‘partie’ (product approach) system. The process approach concentrates on the specific techniques
and processes of food production. This system places importance on the identification of these
common techniques and processes across the full range of required dishes. Groupings are not
based on the types of dishes or foods (the basis of the ‘partie’ system) but on the clustering of
similar production techniques and processes which apply a range of common skills.
Food production is an operating system and can be managed through a systems approach.
A range of different cuisines are able to fit neatly into this approach because the key elements
focus on the process and the way the food is prepared, processed (cooked), stored and served.
Using this approach, food production systems may be identified using the input/process/output
model of systems.